Since April 4, 2018, registration of a lawsuit in the district court has been done more practically. The Head of the Supreme Court issued Supreme Court Regulation Number 3 of 2018 concerning Case Administration in the Electronic Court (“Supreme Court RegulationNo. 3/2018”). Supreme Court Regulation No. 3/2018 regulates electronic case administration services that can be used by registered lawyers and individuals, including the registration process, summons and announcement of court decisions.
The registration process is performed through the Court Information System provided by the Supreme Court. The Court Information System can vary by court. For example, in the Central Jakarta District Court, the lawsuit can be registered on the website For prospective applicants who are advocates, they must have: (i) an Identity Card; (ii) Advocate membership card; and (iii) Evidence of jurat of affidavit by the high court.
Prospective registrants will be charged court fees which are electronically estimated. Furthermore, registration will be processed and verified by the registrar of the court if deemed complete. Summons for the plaintiff and the defendant will also be submitted electronically, for (i) the plaintiff/applicant who registers the claim electronically; and (ii) if the plaintiff/applicant, as well as the defendant/other parties have stated their written consent to be summoned electronically. For legal counsels who want to proceed electronically, it is mandatory to obtain the written approval from the principal.
Supreme Court RegulationNo. 3/2018 states that the case information contained in the Court Information System has the same legal force as the case register book, and it is expected that Perma No. 3/2018 is able to facilitate litigants, both in submitting trial documents and obtaining all the latest information regarding the trial
1. Article 4 paragraph (1) Supreme Court Regulation No. 3/2018; 2. Article 7 Supreme Court Regulation No. 3/2018; 3. Article 11 Supreme Court Regulation No. 3/2018; 4. Article 16 Supreme Court Regulation No. 3/2018; 5. Article 7 Supreme Court Regulation No. 3/2018 Jo. Article 1 number 2 Supreme Court Regulation No. 3/2018; 6. Article 4 paragraph (3)Supreme Court Regulation No. 3/2018; 7. Article 9 Supreme Court Regulation No. 3/2018; 8. Article 12 paragraph (1) a and b Supreme Court Regulation No. 3/2018; 9. Article 12 paragraph (1) c Supreme Court Regulation No. 3/2018; 10. Article 19 paragraph (2) Supreme Court Regulation No. 3/2018.